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Patersonian Louis Jasper on the far left smoking a cigarette while he waits to be deployed overseas during WW1. . Photo was submitted by Lou Mechanic who is the grandson of Louis Jasper and a JHSNJ volunteer.

Photo Friday

Each Friday we share with our members five or six captioned historical and interesting photos from our archives based on a weekly theme.

Each Friday we share with our members five or six captioned historical and interesting photos from our archives based on a weekly theme. Started by Dorothy Greene, Photo Friday showcases some of the many impressive photos in our collections.  We identify the people featured in these photos using our own records and the aid of our readers who write in to assist us.

If you are interested in receiving Photo Friday, complete the form below.

Current Photo Friday

Barnert Hospital, Paterson NJ
Photo Friday

Presidents' Day


Presidents’ Day is a  federal holiday that began in 1885 with the recognition of George Washington.

Recent Photo Fridays


Photo Friday Sukkot


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