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Dr. Morris Joelson

For more than 50 years, he personified in every move he made, every service he performed, all the virtues of the oldtime family physician.  If the call came, Dr. Joelson asked no questions, but rushed to the bedside of the sick.  And when he departed, he left a patient improved, in health, in spirit, and a family with hearts lightened by the competent ministrations, and the friendly pat of assurance.

From the kindly, neighborly little mother who gave him birth, Dr. Joelson had early acquired an understanding of and sympathy for his fellows.  Early, he turned to maternity cases, and, while the record is not clear, there are some who say he must have delivered close to 20,000 babies in his lifetime.  Many are the names of men and women grown to fame and fortune, who were ushered into life by this little dynamo.  And after them, their children, and their children’s children.

Photo Simpson Studio - Dr. Morris S. Joelson examining a baby with a nurse.

Photo Simpson Studio - Dr. Morris S. Joelson examining a baby with a nurse.

Photograph of Dr. and Mrs. Joelson with daughter Norma and grandchild Virginia. 1943

Hospital photograph of Dr. Morris Joelson with Mrs. Pomerance holding one of the triplets
Dr. Joelson and the Pomerance Triplets during a 1946 reunion

Photograph of Dr. Morris Joelson with the Pomerance triplets, left to right: Barbara, Joyce, Sheila. "He delivered them in 1938."

From the newspaper article about their reunion.