Israel Bonds (December 15, 2023)
Israel and its people need the support of the world today more than at any other time since the Yom Kippur War. One of the many ways our local communities has supported the State of Israel in the past was through bond drives. Below are photos from our archives depicting the different bond drives sponsored by our communities.

Israel Bond drive at an unidentified venue. Irving Rubin is seated in center. Date unknown.

Israel Bond drive with guest Eddie Cantor, April 29, 1956. From L- r are Irving Brawer, Jack Stern, Israeli industrialist S. Robert Abrahami, Eddie Cantor, and Herman Yucht.

Israel Bond drive. Venue and date unknown. Rabbi Bornstein seated at left table, Irving Rubin on the phone at the right table.

Rally poster for “Solidarity with the People of Israel” at the Wayne YM-YWHA, 1976.

“Evening for Israel” poster sponsored by B’nai Brith of Paterson at Temple Emanuel, with honorees Abe S. Berliner and Lew Norman, 1972.

Invitation for Israel Bonds dinner for Eleanor Roosevelt at Fair Lawn Jewish Center, 1957.