Ike Goldberg Family Collection
These photos capture special moments in the lives of the Goldberg family. The JHSNJ welcomes your contribution of family photos depicting the Jewish history of North Jersey.

The upper left image is of Benjamin (Bob) Goldberg giving Sadie Goldberg Kleinfeld a ride on his bike on 23rd Street between 8th & 9th Ave. in Paterson, NJ, approximately 1921.

The upper right image pictures Bob Goldberg in the center and Harry Guon sitting on the bottom, 1933. Can you help us ID the rest of the gang?

Pictured sitting on bottom right is Bob Goldberg. Standing L-r are Joe Margolis, (?), Harry Guon, (?), Murray, Richman, and (?)

10th Ave Citizens Club, 1999. Bob Goldberg is the one with a pipe sitting on the right. Can you identify the rest of these card players?

Cohen's 10th Ave. service station, Paterson, N.J. In front of the gas pump, on left is Bob Goldberg and on right in plaid jacket is Sam Cohen (owner of the station and no relation...just good friend of my Dad's).10th Ave Citizen's League... the player in front with a bald head is Ina Cohen Harris' uncle, Moe Cohen.

The Goldberg Family Portrait. Help us identify the family and the date photo was taken.

Pictured from L-r at 324 East 23 Street, Paterson, NJ are friends Fred Schoem, Ike Goldberg, and Lewis Bornstein.