The Jewish High Holidays
We have just completed Rosh Hashanah and this Sunday evening begins Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The shofar is blown on Rosh Hashanah at least 30 times (excluding Saturdays) to signify the arrival of God and a call to repentance. On Yom Kippur, the shofar is blown only once at the conclusion of the holiday to signify the end of the The 10 Days of Awe, a time for serious introspection. Below are photos from our archives indicating the blowing of the shofar. We hope you have a sweet and healthy New Year.

Raymond Rosenblatt sounds the shofar at Tifereth Israel, Passaic, NJ

Beth Sholom of Teaneck first celebrated the High Holy Days in 1954. See photo caption for identifications. (Photo from The History of the Jews of Teaneck by Joy Zacharia Appelbaum).

Star of Israel Synagogue, United Synagogue of Hoboken past president Rob Harari blows the shofar, surrounded by children from the Learning Center and Kaplan Cooperative Preschool. (Photo courtesy of the Jewish Standard, September 2008)

High Holy Days begin at Temple Beth Israel, Maywood, 1974. Myron Lesh blows the shofar. With him are Edward Halpern on the left and Rabbi Seymour Walder on the right.

High Holy Days at Temple Beth Israel, Maywood, 1977 makes it to Channel 7 Eyewitness News at 6 o’clock. Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal at right shown instructing children on the meaning of Rosh Hashanah and the use of the shofar.