The Veritans Club
The Veritans Club of Paterson was an organization started in 1926 by a group of 35 Paterson men with the purpose of getting together, enjoy frivolity, networking and at the same time partaking in activities that would be of service to the community. They would have “get togethers”, boat rides, fund raising activities and parties, all the while providing funds for local hospitals, nursing homes, high school athletics and then finally sponsoring “Camp Veritans” which was inaugurated 1928. Their most famous fund-raising event was the annual “Boat Ride," but they sponsored other outings to such places as the Concord Hotel, Grossinger’s Country Club, and of course Camp Veritans. Below are selected photos of officers, volunteers, and participants of The Veritans Club.

Veritans Club’s “Boat Ride” organizers from l-r are Milton Bromberg, Joe Zimel and Milton Wurtzberg.

Volunteer waiters for Sports Award Night, June 1963. Pictured top row L-r are Nate Rosen, Joe Walkowitz, Nate Haft, Sam Zakim, Paul Bloom, Lenny Brown, Abe Rosenfield, Isadore Bornstein, and Bill Dressler. Seated L-r are Fred Nachimson, Harry Kessler, Lou Inald, and Sol Levin.

Veritans fund raiser group, date unknown. Pictured from l-r are ?, child, ?, ?, Phyllis Smith Block, Marty Krugman, Archie Block, ?, ?, Nat Thomson, ?, ?. Help us ID the unidentified.

A group enjoying a Veritans Club sponsored country outing. Standing far right in the middle row is Lois Goldstein. Standing far right in the top row is Marty Krugman. Help us identify the rest of these folks, the event, location, and date.

A Veritans Club outing, date unknown. Seated on left is Ray Berhman, seated 5th from left is Max Gavzy. Standing on left in middle row is Nat Raskin, 3rd in is Mr. Kaplan and Danny Kaplan. Top row 2nd from right is Milton Wurtzberg. Help us ID the rest of the group.

Veritans Club elects board members for Camp Veritans. Seated L-r are Harry Reiman, Harry Gursky, Dave Thomson and Ben Dunbergh. Standing L-r are S. J. Rosenblum, Isadore Waks and Ray Behrman.