For many students, June marks the end of the school year and for those graduating it is usually a joyous occasion. The JHSNJ wishes all the 2023 graduates a happy and successful future. Below are selected photos of past graduation classes from Paterson Temple Emanuel Hebrew School, Paterson School 20, and School 26.

Temple Emanuel Paterson Hebrew School Graduation Class of 1966. Top row: ?, ?, Stanley Sidlov, Ralph Gulko, ?, ?. Middle row: Mr. Parness, Rabbi Panitz, Ruth Rubenstein, Cheryl Dorman, Marla Bane, Cathy Leinoff, Gail Shapiro. Bottom row: ?, ?, Ronnie Nochimson, ?, Ann Koransky, ?, ?, Lois Herman.

Temple Emanuel Paterson Hebrew School graduation

Paterson School 20 Graduation Class of 1954. See photo for names identification.

Paterson School 20 Graduation Class of June 1963. Check photo for the I.D.'s. Ina Harris, a former teacher at School 20 adds: 2nd row left. 1st person is Pat Pizutti (sp.?) directly above Pat is Carol Kohlreiter, directly above Carol is Jane Doblin, top row 6th from left is Peggy Murphy. 1st row 5 from left is Larry Summers, the girl next to Joe Goldberg is Margo Harrison. I think the 1st girl on the right in row 3 is Linda Fortgang.

Paterson School 26 Graduation Class of June 1959. See photo for names identification.

Paterson School 26 Graduation Class of June 1962. See photo for names identification.