Veteran's Day
Today, Nov 11th, is Veteran’s Day. It is this day that we honor all the men and women who served in The United States Armed Forces to protect our country. Below are photos from our archives showing our Jewish community veterans. If you have any additional information regarding these photos, we would love to hear from you.

On the right is Patersonian Sergeant Louis Jasper with the 485th Motor Transport Corp of the A.E.F. with his best friend, George William.

This is a photo of the 403rd Military Intelligence Detachment-USAR First Army, Second Corps. Among the pictured are Harry Dente (JHSN President Ina Harris’s uncle), JHSNJ members Alan Feldman, Marvin Klein, and Howard Ebright. Not shown is JHSNJ member A Michael Rubin.

Pictured in this July 1961 Company 2 Fort Dix, NJ reception station photo are Barry Franklin, 4th row down from the top and Danny Ginsburg, 5th row down from the top.

Help us identify these unidentified Passaic Jewish servicemen.

World War II Discharge Papers

Murry Bittman stands center behind the podium as part of this Hoboken Jewish War Veterans group, (1940-1950?).

Servicemen Hank Goodman and Murry Cohen.

Fair Lawn Jewish War Vets Norman Goodman and Joe Greenbaum pictured at their base in Yokohama, Japan, May 1947.