The UJA (United Jewish Appeal), a Jewish philanthropic organization, was created in 1939. In 1999, it folded into the United Jewish Communities and then in 2004 merged into what today is known as the Jewish Federation of North America. The organization raises funds to support the needs of the Jewish community of North America as well as the diverse Jewish communities throughout the world, especially Israel. One of the biggest fund raiser events is “Super Sunday,” where volunteers would make phone calls to solicit contributions. Below are photos of the different organizations and individuals that helped bring in donations.

Youngsters donating tzedakah from the Temple Sinai’s fundraising drive for UJA Federation are from L-r Josh Levitt, Alison Zlotnik and Jared Levitt. Standing in the back is Super Sunday co-chair Mark Pollack. Photo was taken at the Wayne Y; date unknown.

Parents and students joining the Bergen Academy of Reform Judaism (BARJ) delegation at Super Sunday are from L-r, Adam Baer, Allan Baer, Steven Kaplan, Alex Wulwick, BARJ president; Sandy Divack Moss, Joe Moskowitz, and Blaire Moskowitz. Photo was taken at the Wayne Y; date unknown.

Rabbi Neal Borovitz, spiritual leader of Temple Shalom in River Edge, standing far right, led his temple’s large delegation at Super Sunday. Among those joining the delegation were, standing from L-r, Tom Birone, Gloria Weiss, Joyce Birone, Barbara King, Nilene Chase, Lucille Jones; seated are from L-r are Alex Wulwick, Allan Baer, Temple Shalom President and Steven Kaplan. Photo was taken at the Wayne Y; date unknown.

David and Leslie Smith on the phones happily receiving donations.

Bringing in new gifts were, from L-r, Robin Rochlin and Cindy Rudbart.

Passaic- Clifton Federation volunteers on the phones on Super Sunday 2000. In the left photo are Van Nelson and Eva Nelson. In the right photo are Barry Stein and Marge Semler.