Rabbis' and Cantors' "Busy Season," High Holidays
Businessmen often discuss their busy season. Their concern is whether they would do well enough during the busy season to sustain a slow season. For our clergy, this holiday season is their busy season. Our Rabbis and Cantors prepare meticulously for this special time of year in the hopes that they will "do well" thereby encouraging their congregants to lead a more sincere and committed lifestyle in the coming year.

L-r: Ravi Nessaran and Rabbi Alexander Linchner. No synagogue is listed.

Temple Emanuel, Passaic. Leon Gottlieb and Cantor Leiberman

Rabbi Dr. Leon Katz and Mrs. Katz

Clergy from Temple Emanuel, Paterson and Barnert Temple, Paterson. L-r: Cantor Posner, ?, Rabbi Reuben Kaufman, David Cole, Max Rosen, ?Slater, Rabbi Opher, Rabbi Raisen

Temple Emanuel Paterson, 1972 honoring Israel's 25th birthday.L-r: Irving Brawer, Cantor David Lefkowitz, Rabbi Martin Freedman, Ted Levine, David Goldberg, Ziedan Atashi, Irving Kwait, Charles Kessler