Business Vehicles
For those of you who enjoy vintage cars (and trucks) we are going back in time to view some vehicles that were used by Jewish businesses. We hope these images bring back fond memories of yesteryear. Who remembers the roving fruit and vegetable peddler, the egg-man, the milkman, and the seltzer man that made house deliveries and frequented our streets?

A vintage Barnert Memorial Hospital Ambulance, Paterson, N.J.

Berman’s Market fruit and vegetable wagon, Passaic, NJ.

L. S. Brooks & Son Furniture and Piano Moving truck, 38 Fulton Street, Paterson, N.J.

Fair Lawn Dairy Farms truck, Fair Lawn, NJ.

Kirsch and Sons oil delivery truck, Market Street, Paterson, N.J. Note the LA 8-1794 telephone number.

Mr. Greenberg and his son standing in front of the "Strictly Kosher Meat, Poultry & Provisions" delivery truck, 164 Governor Street, Paterson, N.J