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Photo Friday Friday, 03/04/2022


Shabbat is more than a day of rest. To many Jews it is considered the most important of all Jewish holidays. Shabbat is the weekly observance of God's completion of creation and is celebrated by lighting candles and a family dinner. Below are photos of kids preparing for Shabbat. Please help us identify these little ones.

Shabbat shalom, Jewish school, Northern NJ
Two unidentified youngsters preparing for Shabbat.
Paterson NJ Y Nursery School, Shabbat candle lighting 1967
Paterson Y Nursery School kids lighting candles for Shabbat.1967
Paterson NJ Y Nursery School, Shabbat, JNF
Paterson Y Nursery School girl getting ready for Shabbat.
Paterson NJ Y Nursery School, Shabbat candle lighting
Paterson Y Nursery School boy saying the blessing for lighting the Shabbat candles.
Paterson NJ Y Nursery School, making Shabbat challah
Paterson Y Nursery School child mixing the dough to make the Shabbat challah.