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Summer Fun

Summertime is the time to take vacations, travel and enjoy the great outdoors. It’s been a tough year and many people are now taking the opportunity to get out of their houses and spend some time in the sun. Below are photos from our archives showing how people used to spend their summers.

Celia Abrahams, Rachel Abrahams, Keansburg NJ shore, c.1913

Celia & Rachel Abrahams at Keansburg, N.J. shore C.1913. Can you pick them out of the crowd?

Mother and Child, Goldman's Dairy, Fair Lawn NJ

Unidentified mother and child enjoying a stroll at Goldman's Dairy.

Florence Aisner, Bernard Elfenbein, Anita Elfenbein, Ellie Arnold, Doris Leib, Dorothy Bloomfield, Ethel Mecklackie, Northern New Jersey, September 1993

L-r: Florence Aisner, Bernard Elfenbein, Anita Elfenbein, Ellie Arnold, Doris Leib, Dorothy Bloomfield, and Ethel Mecklackie visiting the U.S.Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. in September 1993.

Sam Cohen (Local 464 Meatcutters Union), Harlem Magicians shooting hoops, Northern New Jersey

An unidentified member of Local 464(Meatcutters Union) shooting hoops with the Harlem Magicians.

Sultans Softball Team, Paterson NJ, 1948, Robert Flitman, Howard Goldberg, Warren Greene, Lenny (Red) Cohen, Joel Schwartz, Jack Macanini, Stewart Cohen, Sammy Stern, Irwin Citrin, Marvin Fishman, Murray Freeman, Larry Delancy, 1948

The Sultans “pick-up” Softball Team, Sandy Hill Park, Paterson, NJ,1948. Standing from L-r: Robert Flitman, Howard Goldberg, Warren Greene, Lenny (Red) Cohen, Joel Schwartz, Jack Macanini, and Stewart Cohen. Kneeling from L-r: Sammy Stern, Irwin Citrin, Marvin Fishman, Murray Freeman, and Larry Delancy.