Veterans Day
Next week on Nov 11 we will celebrate Veteran’s Day. It is this day that we honor all the men and women in The United States Armed Forces who served to protect our country. The Jewish War Veterans play an important part in remembering and honoring our Jewish Vets. Below are photos from our archives showing our Jewish community veterans.

Jewish War Veterans Parade in Paterson, NJ 1941.

Wayne JWV Post 695 members boarding a bus to take veterans to a Yankees game. Pictured from L-r: Bernard S. Rosen, William Stern, Alvin Schwartz Jr., Florence Rosen, George Rosen, Bob Orbach, Leslie Birenbaum, and Gladys Solomon.

Wayne JWV Color Guard. First row second from left is (?) Slone. Second row furthest on the left is Bernie Rosen. Please help us identify the others.

Hoboken JWV, late 1940s-1950s. Murray Bittman is in the center. Please help I.D. the others.

Dedication of Plaque for WWII fallen Jewish Vets, Paterson Y, May 1951. Jack Stern is on the far right. Can you help us I.D. the others?

Unidentified gathering of JWV. Date unknown. Bernie Alpren is believed to be the gent standing second from the left. Please help us with the I.D.'s.