Recent Acquisitions
Below are photos of recent acquisitions donated to the JHSNJ in the past year. If you are interested in donating photos or artifacts that might interest our readers, please contact our office.

Photo of the Labor Lyceum (Workman’s Circle) school children and teachers. Paterson, NJ, 1936. Can you help ID these folks? Photo donated by Carol Friedman.

Bowling Banquet, 1963. Standing L-r: Paul Wolfberg, Getzy Schiff, Herman Friedman, (?), George Kirsch. Seated L-r: Libby Wolfberg, Pearl Schiff, Marian Friedman, (?), Ester Kirsch.. Photo donated by Carol Friedman.

From L-r: Martha Rosenberg, Ester Wechsler, Philip Wechsler, Ruth Halpern, Hyman Halpern. Philip Wechsler (the grandfather of Judith Ebright) was a prominent merchant and owner of Wechsler’s Department Store in Passaic. Can anyone tell us the occasion or the year?

“Cooking Fun” cookbook issued by Women’s Club of the Fair Lawn Jewish Center. Donated by Ruth Lubert Sacks.

Left photo shows Merric Brodsky and Joe Stobezki on top and Harvy Stobezky below posing at Yavneh Academy. The right photo shows L-r: Carol Skinfeld, Malka Margolies, Shirley Feldgreber, and Naomi Liebman. Photos taken in the mid 50’s, Donated by Jules Gutin.

Newspaper photo of ground breaking cerimony for Barnert Memorial Hospital, Aug 9, 1949. Newspaper photo donated by Dr.David Nochimson.