The Bromberg Collection
It’s the beginning of a new year which makes it a good time for you, our readers, to clean out your closets and storage areas to see what hidden treasure can be found to contribute to the JHSNJ archives. This week we feature photos from the Bromberg Collection which were donated by Milton Bromberg.

Gussie Bluestein Edelstein School 4 graduation photo, Paterson, NJ, 1901.

Newspaper article of Milton Bromberg who receives the Legion of Merit in Africa, 1943

Newspaper article of Charles Bromberg being honored for his work in the UJA Drive, 1948.

First anniversary of Israel celebration at the " Y", May 15, 1949. First row seated: L-r: Rabbi Kaufman, Judge Irving Rubin, Senator Gordon Canfield, (?), Rabbi Opher, (?), and Rabbi Arthur T. Buch. Second row standing L-r: (?), (?), Cantor Adolf, Charlie Bromberg, (?), (?), Albert Slater and (?).

Ethel and Milton Bromberg in costume attire, Oct 27, 1951.