Meyer Levy
Our Photo Friday this week chronicles part of the life of Meyer Levy who was born June 7, 1917, and grew up on Fulton St, Paterson, NJ.

These 2 images show Levy’s Certificate of Membership in the Maritime Cooks’ and Stewards’ Association of the Pacific Coast, an Affiliate of the C.I.O. (Committee for Industrial Organization) from 5/4/’35. Meyer had the rating of “Assistant Steward”. He lists his N.O.K. (next of kin) as Mrs. Rebecca Levy.

This image shows Levy’s membership certificate 17069 in the National Maritime Union of America which he joined on 11/10/37 in N.Y.

The first image above shows Levy’s 1939 Grace Line identification card (#1356) bearing his Social Security number (082-14-4759) and lists his home address as 157 Fulton Place, Paterson, N.J. Also shown is a document from the Panama Canal Health Department that shows he was admitted to the hospital on 8/16/’39 and was discharged on 9/9/’39. Meyer was vaccinated for smallpox on 9/26/’39. There were lots of Anopheles mosquitoes around the Panama Canal...

The above image shows an order signed on 7/1/'42 by Captain Chamberlin, Adjutant of the 318th Infantry at Camp Forrest, Tennessee excusing Sergeant Levy from Retreat to Reveille.

The above image shows Meyer Levy, in uniform, walking by a Coca Cola sign. Location unknown, 1940s.

The above documents show a War Department, Armed Forces I.D. (Service No.0-1310124) for Levy that was issued on 4/9/’45 and indicates that Mayer Levy was now a 1st Lieutenant assigned to the infantry.