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Fair Lawn Dairies

This week we are featuring the “Max Goldman’s Dairy”, later known as “Fair Lawn Dairies”. In 1914 Bessie and Max Goldman started the dairy with 10-20 cows which they hand milked and then delivered the raw milk to local homes in the traditional horse and wagon manner. In the 1940s, the company's name changed when it merged with “Farmland”, a Paterson based dairy. The new name became “Farmland Fair Lawn Dairies” and then in 1970, Farmland moved to Wallington, NJ and renamed the company “Farmland Dairies." Below are photos from our archives showing life on the farm.

Bessie and Max Goldman, Max Goldman's Dairy, Fair Lawn Dairies, Fair Lawn NJ

Bessie and Max Goldman, the founders of Max Goldman’s Dairy, Fair Lawn, NJ.

Max Goldman, Dorothy Fradkin (Weiner), Uncle Joe Fisher, 1945, Fair Lawn NJ

In the left photo is Bessie Goldman with granddaughter Dorothy Weiner now Fradkin, in front of the family house next to the dairy at 5-01 River Road, 1944. In the right photo is Max Goldman with Dorothy who is wearing her Uncle Joe Fisher’s Navy hat, 1945.

Max Goldman's Dairy, Dorothy Weiner Fradkin, Jack Goldman, Fair Lawn NJ

L-r: Unidentified dairy employee holding a new-born calf, Dorothy Weiner Fradkin (about four years old), and Jack Goldman, the oldest Goldman son. Notice the old gas pump in the background.

Dorothy Weiner Fradkin, Goldman Dairy Farm, Fair Lawn NJ, 1943

Dorothy Weiner Fradkin at the Goldman Dairy Farm with a cow that was used for milking, 1943.

Max Goldman's Dairy, Fair Lawn NJ

Fair Lawn Farms dairy truck, mid 1940s.