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Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is approaching. Pretty soon we’ll be gathered around the TV rooting for our favorite football team. To pay homage to the game, we have selected archived photos that exemplify the spirit of the game.

Marty Senack, Briggs, Boreale, Speranza, Drakeford, Lewis, Magna, Parker, Jachts, Asbell, Cherry, Coach Jocher, Athletic Director Diamond, Guldeman, Mariconda, Delusso, Weinman, Blackmon, Berkowitz, Recca, De Moor, Cioletti, Condero, Hill, Coach Frederick, Coach Ott, Mastrogiovanni, Vitale, Critchley, Gatto, Oricchio, Recca, Salonia, Papa, Hughland, El, Zimmerman, Mutchler, Innocent, Dickerson, Sullivan, Linder, Hill, Holmes, Bisball, Corley, Malletta

Eastside High School 1960 champion football team. Marty Senack is seated first on left.

Marty Senack, Eastside High School football, c.1960, Paterson NJ

Marty Senack in attack mode.

Grossi, Craig, Bennett, Dews, Zofica, Aquino, Allan Goldberg, Knoll, Ravo, Stan Simon, Coach Mort Rittenberg, Paterson NJ

Central High School 1945 football team coached by Mort Rittenberg.

Jonathan Mechanic, Larry Sobel, Paterson NJ

Former Paterson linebackers L-r Jonathan Mechanic, Larry Sobel preparing for their big game.

Rita Citrin, Eastside High School, Paterson, 1964 football playoffs

Rita Citrin suited up in her brother’s helmet and wearing an Eastside ghost sweatshirt ready for the 1964 playoffs.