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Photo Friday Friday, 06/30/2023

Summer Fun

School’s out, and the summer is now in full swing. Time to get out into the open air and enjoy the “Good Old Summertime.” Below are examples of what the summertime was all about.

Bobby Nussman, Carol Pomper, Barry Pinchefsky, Zalman Kaplan, David Greenwald, Liz Alson, Howard Bromberg, Gerald Kane, Louis Rosen, Howard Zeiderman
Pictured in this Camp Veritans photo -1st boy on left with the counselor is Bobby Nussman. Also are Carol Pomper, Barry Pinchefsky, Zalman Kaplan, David Greenwald, Liz Alson, Howard Bromberg, Gerald Kane, Louis Rosen, and Howard Zeiderman. Can you help us identify the others and the date the photo was taken?
summer snow sledding
Summer snow sledding. Can you help us identify these kids, the event, year, and place?
Roberta Schenker, Michael Schenker, David Laveton
Top photo shows Max Laveton flanked by two unidentified ladies. Bottom photo shows Roberta and Michael Schenker with David Laveton at the shore. Date and location are unidentified for both photos.
summer camp, kids, limbo pole, limbo rope
Kids having fun at summer camp. How low can you go under the limbo pole (rope)? Please help us identify these kids, the place, and the date.
pet bird, young boy
Could this be bring-your-pet-to-camp day? Who is the young man and his fine feathered friend?